Why I Started Dating The Gyms


It’s easy to get bored with the same ole routines in life and in fitness.  Especially for me, as a mother of 3 kids, I find myself already tied down by so many routine tasks and mundane schedules – wake up at the crack of dawn, make breakfast for my 3 angels*, unload the dishwasher, pack their lunches & backpacks, shuttle them to/from school + , clean the house, grocery shop, do laundry, make dinner, repeat, repeat, repeat…. I crave a break from the monotony of my life.   

fitnessfoodiestl outside Pilates + Yoga studio in Chesterfield
Going on my first date with the Pilates + Yoga Studio in Chesterfield

Exercise has always given me a release and makes me feel better both mentally and physically.  It’s one form of “ME” time that I really look forward to.  Exercise seems to be one of the very few moments at this stage in my life when I can push pause on the many daily things I do for others, and simply focus on myself. After a good sweat session, I emerge happier (thank you endorphins!), better able to tackle daily tasks and chores all with a more peaceful outlook on life.  Covid was a dark time for all of us, but not being able to get to the gym was particularly tough for me.  Don’t get me wrong, I found alternate ways to workout, but I really missed being around other people, taking group fitness classes and simply getting out of my house. 

After a long pause from the gym during covid, I decided I was NOT just going to go back to the same gym I was a member at before, because honestly it was just MEH.  I mean, it was fine and all… it had plenty of equipment, was clean, had decent locker rooms and the facilities I needed, but it didn’t inspire me or excite me.  The new, post pandemic me needed something more.  I wanted to test the waters before I made another long-term gym commitment.  I decided I wasn’t going to make any rash decisions about which gym to join next, I would simply try out some new options and see what felt right.   And that’s how I started “dating” the local gyms, essentially trying out each one, getting to know their classes and amenities and it was SO MUCH FUN (and still is)There were no strings attached, just come and go as I please, as often or infrequently as I wanted.  It satisfied this real need for adventure and variety in my soul.  It also offered me a good reason to get out of my house to sample the local fitness offerings and connect back with my community. 

Fitnessfoodiestl about to enter Burn Boot Camp in Kirkwood, MO
Looking forward to a 2nd date at Burn Boot Camp in Kirkwood & hoping it can grow this bicep.

I thought that at some point I would find “the one” and settle into the ideal gym, but here I am 1.5 years into this dating journey only to find, I really enjoy this free-loving lifestyle and I don’t know if I will ever commit to a single gym ever again.  Now don’t get me wrong, I have several gyms I frequent, and in some cases have made low levels of commitment to, but they aren’t traditional in any sense.  I love having a regular but varied workout routine.  It strengthens my mind & my body while adding excitement to my day.

Fitnessfoodiestl about to Club Fitness in Creve Coeur
I’ve gone on many dates with Club Fitness in Creve Coeur, but my relationship is anything but committed.

Classpass is my preferred app to find new fitness studios, think of it like a Tinder for workouts – you can easily find new hook-ups without the commitment!  And of course, there are other apps and various ways you can connect with local businesses.  You might start looking for new “dates” by asking your friends, colleagues & family where they workout.  Also, pay attention to see what fitness studios are close to your home, work or school, most will likely offer a free trial.  And make sure to check back on this site for local recommendations about fitness studios in St. Louis!  The most important thing is to keep moving and do the type(s) of exercise that make you happy! 

Do you need to “break up” with your gym like I did?  Maybe not, but perhaps a relationship reassessment is in order, so you can make space for new, more exciting fitness opportunities to join the mix. 

Stay active and stay sane!

Natalie aka The FitnessFoodieSTL

*angels that also can sometimes feel like they were born in h#ll

4 responses to “Why I Started Dating The Gyms”

  1. […] a long gym hiatus post covid, I chose to “break up” with my traditional gym membership and wanted to see what else was out there before making another commitment.  I rode the “free […]

  2. Jenny Avatar

    What a great idea! I signed up for Classpass, and look forward to trying new things. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. fitnessfoodiestl.com Avatar

      My pleasure! I hope you have as much fun using Classpass as I do!

  3. […] high fives, tough love and encouragement here.  In case you didn’t know this about me, I’m a bit of a gym commitment phobe right now,  but at a different point in my life I would have 100% committed to this gym.  Regardless, I’m a […]

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